Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy 2013

I would like to post some photos of my trip to the dreamy German city of Weimar last month as a belated Christmas blessing. Thanks to Fredrik Kopsch, we - a group of Ph.D. students from KTH's Department of Real Estate and Construction Management - made a short trip to Bauhaus University and participated in an amazing colloquium together with students from the corresponding department at the German university.

Weimar is a unique cultural venue in the sense that the city is rich in cultural monuments and memorials spanning over such a wide temporal period that encompasses Goethe and Schiller from the 17th century as well as the Bauhaus movement and modern art and architecture.

Bauhaus University - Mensa
Bauhaus University - Main building

The University Library

Weimar Schloss

Goethe and Schiller - Theaterplatz

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